Tuesday, February 15, 2011

America's Money Mess

If you want to know how we got into this financial mess that America and the rest of the world is in take a look at the this video:

It takes 20 minutes to run. At the end of the 20 minutes you may have a different attitude about how this particular depression happened.

Just about all of us weren't around for the Crash of '29 but similarities between the two are staggering. The difference is in how it was handled. Our President opted to increase inflation as opposed to foreclosures on a mass scale and 25% unemployment as was the case in '29. So instead of homeless people all over the place and soup kitchens he opted to increase the national debt. I guess the view on this depends on where your moral values lie.

It also proves that our President doesn't have the balls to stand up to Congress and level with the American people about we've been screwed financially for the past 98 years. It's my opinion that Jefferson had the right idea by abolishing the Fed. And Lincoln had the right idea by offering the "Greenback".

Even if you have money, you're still in debt (don't try and deny it). It's called social control and all governments use money  provided by the central banks to do the deed.

You've heard of the Euro? Be prepared because the Amero is right around the corner. The Chinese are closely guarding their money system which is making western world bankers very nervous. I'm guessing here but I suspect an Asian central money type to appear as well or maybe before the Amero.

Just be prepared for what is about to happen. It ain't gonna be pretty. Oh, and isn't it interesting how 10 million in cash can become an additional 9 million in credit to a banker and still isn't real money.

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