Wednesday, September 8, 2010

UnVeiling the Truth

Visual.....streets of Terhan, Iran. Lots of people milling around. More women than men. From a western point-of-view a perfectly normal day. All the ladies are lookin' mighty fine in their finery......

Cut to the same street only all the women are wearing Burk-as. Ah, the difference in cultures.

Let me explain why I spoke so high and mighty in my last blog about emotion. Because the world has gone freakin' crazy over emotion. Let’s take American Idol for instance. Opps, I’ll have to start and Entertainment Blog for that….back on subject.  Why is there all this strife, hate, killing and war in the Middle-East and Asia? The explanation is easier than you think!

Let me get straight to the point. It's about the difference in their women and our women. Who those women are and the way they are treated by men, in general. If someone told you that your woman's rights were being taken away, would you be willing to die for that belief? This of course is based on which side of the political spectrum you reside. Their women, and only a few of them know the pleasures of a western way of life and the utter freedom it brings with it is a by-product of the "right to choose", particularly what you buy.

Some people say (egad, that is such an ubiquitous phrase, where have I heard it before?) that is the causality for these so called Islamic wars. The west and all of  its corporate conglomerates have imagery of women and our concept of what fashion sees as their perception of the perfect woman. I'm sure some of my female friends would agree that particular perception is as false as believing in the perfect man. Neither exist.

That said, then does all this boil down to a belief in freedom of choice or religion? Somewhere in their personal Islamic belief system is the precept of believing that women are inferior or, at least, not as smart, wise or equal, just because their female. That's it's okay to treat them any way your male heart desires. This is the ultimate version of Chauvinism. It is their belief. Is it their right to die for it? You bet. Because trying to make their women like ours, is betraying their religious beliefs. The real definition here is "Islam against Corporate America". Corporate America really wants that huge untapped market place to plunder as they have plundered all others and here’s one that might actually have oil and money. Get those women out of those Burk-as and into the fashion they're pushing at the moment. Someone else has a design on Islam as a place or market, but who’s going to get there first is the question.

Islam sees this westernization a moral affront to their religion and beliefs. One of those beliefs is the way they can treat their women. But then, how much do you let your religion stroke the beliefs of your politics. If you do, then you become a minority radical of that belief.

Islam literally means "submission (to God)." Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable and that the purpose of life is to worship God. I think life has a more profound meaning than that but that could be just me. Here's the part that bothers me the most. Of the three major religions, Christian, Muslim and Jew, all three of them actually worship the SAME God. The God of Abraham is worshiped by all three. It's like saying "my God is better than your God but they're the same God". What? Talk about nonsense. So you see, our differences aren't about religion or God, our differences are about application of which religion you emotionally believe is real. What makes it crazy is that both sides are dying and fighting over the realm of the SAME God and how that God wants you to treat your woman.

I think John Lennon put it the best....Imagine. Insert lyrics here.



    I'm sitting here scratching my head just trying to figure out the right thing to say. Sure Muslims believe in God, so do Jews, and so do Christians. I hate to be the one saying well the way I believe is better than the way you believe. Its not about it being the same God but rather the WAY you believe.

    I can only speak for the Evangelical Christian. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not as well versed in the subject as I wish I was but I'll try to keep things on topic and in prospective.

    First, you said the Muslims believe that the purpose of life is to worship God. This is not a belief just held by the Muslims but also by the Evangelical Christian. Our spiritual lives don't end and begin at the church door. We believe in living our lives as close to Jesus's teachings as we possibly can. Do we succeed....NO. To be honest, none of us ever will since in our belief Jesus is the Son of God and therefore perfect. Man isn't perfect.

    Secondly, I guess Muslims have the right to live as they see fit. As someone very interested in Anthropology, I would say it is wrong to come into a culture and try to rip it up and rebuild it into what WE think it should be. However my spiritual side remembers the teachings of Paul who said in Ephesians 5:25 "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it." I have to say in this....Christians and Muslims have a very different view on what God wants. And because of this I see a BIG need for some change in regards to how EXTREMISTS treat their women in muslim countries. You see...maybe its because I believe that the WHOLE Bible is the infalible word of God; written by men and inspired by God. To me (and those who are of the Christian faith) believe this to be TRUTH. Not something nice and cozy to believe in to make us feel good on Sunday but TRUTH. And sometimes it isn't cozy...and sometimes it is like a sword in your side when you know things need changed in your life. Regardless, it is our handbook for life. How to do life and do it well.

    To be continued.....

  2. Part 2...

    I can't say that I know corporate Americas plans for muslim countries. But I do know the fighting that goes on over there between the Muslims and the Jews/Christians will never stop. It dates back to the time of Abraham. God had promised Abraham a son. One with him and Sarah. Now if you know the story Abraham and Sarah were VERY old at this time with no son so Sarah decided to offer her handmaiden to Abraham....her name was Hagar. Hagar became pregnant and had a son named Ishmael. This was not God's promise. For God not only promised Abraham a son but also promised him all the land of Isreal (or it could be Jeruselem...not sure which). Long story short Ishmael and his mother were asked to leave the house and not too long after that Sarah was pregnant and bore Isaac who was the promised one who also inherited the land. Now I will get to my point. This fighting boils down to who deserves what. The muslims believe that since Ishmael was the first born of Abraham that he was the promise and should have the land....Jews and Christians believe it was Isaac. Fast forward to today and you still have people over there fighting for land. Muslim against Jew. No matter who does what, it won't stop.

    I digressed a bit ...sorry for that. My point is this, we may serve what most would consider the same God but the way we believe that God has worked is totally different. Muslims believe Jesus was a good teacher, a prophet. Jews don't believe Jesus was the Messiah, and Christians believe he IS the son of God who gave his life for the sins of the world. I serve a God full of grace and mercy who loves me. I serve a God who wants the love of man but still allows Him to choose the way he lives. I serve a JUST God. I serve a God who I trust will help me with my enemies. I have no need to "kill the infidel." The Bible calls us to love our neighbor...and our enemy.

    I could go on for days so instead I'll leave it there. Please don't think I took this as a chance to stand behind a virtual pulpit and preach. It's not about that...I just felt the need to give my two cents out there for what its worth.

    I really do enjoy these posts and in fact I have my google page letting me know everytime you post something new. There are a lot of people out there who won't even touch the subject of religion for fear of offending someone. I love a good spiritual discussion even if its with someone with an opposing point of view. It is possible to have a discussion about "religion" without fighting and quite frankly I like a good debate from time to time.

    Keep posting! Love the blog!

