Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Memory Loss

Instead of writing a lengthy article about how the right has the tendency, if not the down-right gall to make things look like Obama was the cause of all our problems. I've decided to direct you to the link below.  My props to "rfreed" for writing this and making my feelings about this subject clear. Give it a read, you'll see that moderates and progressives in this country are basically on the same track and it seems as if everyone around us is in derail mode.


  1. I have a question. Do you truly think that the Obama administration is doing a good job?

  2. They are doing what they can given the "can of worms" they were handed. What kind of a miracle does one expect of a President? I think he could be doing better is certain areas. That's part of Mr. Obama's problem. He has stretched himself too thin. So instead of doing an excellent job in a couple of categories, he's doing a mediocre job in all of them.

  3. Oh, and to add to that.....The President needs to grow a set. Stop trying to work both sides of the aisle. The Republicans have obviously shown they don't want to cooperate so cut'em off at the knees. It wouldn't be easy with FOX out there but could still be done. What we're really talking about here is being a leader. That's where he's not doing a really good job.
