Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Politothink the Beginning

After reading posts on many different news sites, I decided to start my own political blog. It only made sense to me as "people say" from networks to Internet what they feel, emotionalize or fear on many of these "so-called" news sites.

One of the things that really bothers me about media news these days is the complete lack of journalism that goes into putting a story either "on-the-air" or on the Internet or anywherere for that matter. It begs the question "were you awake during journalism class?" Did they teach real journalism at your college or the "people say" type. Did they teach you how to vet a story and ensure all facts are true before you publish? How much opinion do you add to your stories, how much fact?

Being a journalist can be tough as to get people to read what you say, you have to be entertaining as well as factual. These days there is too much entertainment going on that is posing as news. Don't be fooled. Read between the lines. Do not take media, particularly mainstream media as factual. Simply for the reasons in the second paragraph here.

As a former Publisher of a national trade magazine, I spent many an hour back-tracking my editor(s). I had to balance sales with the truth and had to take a stand on what I believed to be true based on fact, not conjecture or profit margin or personal feelings.

So as I start to with a new medium (the former was paper),  I will try to not get off of the track too much. Try to keep an open mind because our country has gone down a dangerous road politically. As much as our President can do, I don't believe he has the power to be able to change how badly our country has been divided and plundered by the former administration. When President Clinton left office America was looking into the 21st century with hope and the money to do it with. Yes, 911 changed everything and I'll explore the facts there as well. All I ask is that you keep an open mind. Because if you side with one side or the other, you are playing into their game. You are smarter than they are.

So here's the start.....more to come.


  1. If Obama doesn't have the power to "be able to change how badly our country has been divided and plundered by the former administration", then the previous administration didn't have the power to divide and plunder the country. You can't have it both ways. Don't get me wrong, I am far from a Bush apologist, but to say that he (or his administration) alone gave us the mess we find ourselves in is to ignore the role that Congress played. Everywhere Bush went, (the Dem-led) Congress was right there with him or he couldn't have gotten there.

  2. I agree with Kevin. I also think the system as a whole has let us down...it did take a few greedy people to get it going but no one was willing to say no! I also feel that this administration although they seem to be trying to do the right thing on some fronts are just following the status quo on the majority of issues.

  3. I have to disagree with your comment. Have you ever heard about something being so broken that it can't be repaired. Humpty Dumpty come to mind? You can have it both ways. If you wish to ignore history as written (see 1999) and wish to ignore how Congress is a bunch of sell outs (including the current executive branch) because the Dems didn't lead Bush anywhere. Again, prior to 2006 the Republicans had control and it was spend, spend, spend.
