Tuesday, July 18, 2017

American Greed

I've just read an article about how we should repeal the Tax Cuts and cut Defense Spending to balance the budget. Sounds like the right track as millions of middle-class Americans are tightening their collective belt to weather the storm. But what of the ultra-rich? You know, the ones getting the tax cuts that are amounting to trillions (yes, trillions) of dollars. Do we have to endure feeling their pain as well?

Let's get something straight here.Do the rich really need those trillions of dollars? Are they using them in some sort of good way? You know, like taking the money and investing in America's infrastructure and making their beloved "trickle-down economy" really work. Most of these uber-rich people are doing what with the huge amounts of money they're making? Reports that I hear are they're investing in off-shore accounts and the money is just sitting there. Hmmm......trillions of dollars wasting away while some folks are going hungry. Something very morally wrong here. Wait we're forgetting a word that most rich folks hate. Philanthropy. With the obvious exception of Bill Gates, who of you can name anyone who is a modern day philanthropist? I guess it's an outdated word. But I use it because some of these folks need to be made aware of their own mortality.

I see it like this. You are put on this planet and born in a bed like every other baby in the world. It just usually depends on your parents and who they are in the world as to how much you'll be worth when you come of age. Now don't misunderstand me, I'm all for the American Dream and attaining it. I've seen middle-class kids come out of college and make something wonderful of their lives but not to the tune of millions of dollars. It also seems to me that they're just as happy. That said, the ultra-rich live their lives through and do what with the legacy money (millions and millions of dollars)? Usually, it's left to their heirs, who in turn squander it away on lottery-type spending spree or use it to buy what they want and invest the rest to keep the money stream going.

I hear all this talk about the "working man". I really don't believe that folks that do a hard days work really get paid enough. Not when some guy who sits at a desk and pours over figures and charts makes millions a year for doing what? Making their company so viable that they have to borrow money from our tax dollars so they can attain their beloved bonus? Again, this is morally wrong. Don't misunderstand me. I believe business executives should make executive money but control of  it would keep us from having to pay their bonus.. I think it should apply to sports personalities as well. Millions of dollars per year for a guy who is doing something he loves seems a bit of an oxymoron to me. The guys who paved the way for him to make those millions certainly didn't make those millions themselves.

Which leads me to the question of how much money does it take to make you happy? 100 thousand per year? 250 thousand or half a million or a million, would that do the trick? What does the trick is only a few things. Like the roof over your head, paid for? Getting a shower and clean, respectable clothes? Paid for? How about going hungry? Paid for? These are the questions homeless people ask. This is the bottom of social barrel. Do these people want to work? I bet given the chance for gainful employment most of them would take it.