Friday, October 29, 2010

Could It Be That The Plutocrats Have Already Won?

Thanks to Robert1014 a poster at for expressing the way I feel about current American politics. And I quote:

"The Republic is at Stake!"
Robert1014 — 10/27/10 10:17am

Actually...the Republic is already dead. The corruption (as in "putrefaction," as in "rotting corpse") in Washington is too far advanced to be reversed or remedied, and the plutocrats have won.

I am actually convinced we are heading toward a great catastrophe, possibly a world war, as so many forces of dissolution reach peak crisis levels--global economic struggles, global shortages of oil and drinkable water and arable and habitable land, political repression everywhere, etc.

I don't see anyone in Washington or headed toward Washington who we can assume will turn aside the inevitable cataclysm. 

Thanks Robert1014 and let me expound on that. When you think about it, he's actually correct. It's way too late. It started over10 years ago with fledgling news network trying to compete with the old established news networks. Bring in Roger Ailes, who by trade is a political campaign manager. This man turns out to be just a little right of Attila the Hun. He is a brilliant programing talent as he knows the broadcast laws and how to bend them to his liking. That said he realized that right-wing radio rules the AM airwaves with opinion and makes a killing in advertising revenue. Here's an idea for the late '90's, why not have a cable TV channel that can do the same thing? Hence, FOX News. Only it's NOT news. Make it flashy and wave the flag every chance you get. It's opinion and it's to the point that three years in it threatens the major networks. It proves the point when during the 2001 presidential  election that ABC calls Florida for Gore then FOX turns around and calls Florida for Bush. A media case of "who blinks first looses". ABC blinks and hence the Bush administration wins. What was a corrupt government becomes even more so.

All this may have been able to be cured if Bush hadn't been elected to a second term but now.....way too late. Even with the elation of the 2008 campaign and seeing American History made before my very eyes I thought the country may have a chance. But to see both houses of congress approach governing our country the way "W" did is more than shameful, it's downright traitorous. The same applies to FOX for promoting what is good for politics for the right but not for the country. As part of the fifth estate it is FOX News' duty to point out where things are bad in our government and get them to respond to it, not lay down with the far right-wing weirdos (read Tea Party) and promote their agenda.

Start getting used to the new republic. It'll be more like the Roman Empire than ever. Rome didn't disappear over-night. What we're about to live through is what those Romans at the end of the Empire experienced. We are about to experience the same loss of jobs and the excessive war.

What else do you do with out of work young people but have them serve their country. What better way to turn them into full fledged citizens. Just insert them into the military. Yes, with the Republicans in power, we'll see a return of the draft. Only this time, it'll be a whole lot more subtle. They'll make it the patriotic thing to do by teaching it in public and private schools starting at a young age. So by High School their ready for the recruiter. After all, we're now a military industrial complex and to have one of those successfully will require lots and lots of soldiers. There may be a way to pull this off and put America back to work but I think our society has a problem with the word mercenary. It's not a bad word just one Americans have a problem with. Let FOX News play with it for a while. It'll become the thing to be. After all, if we're going to promote war around the globe why not sell it to them and make money doing it. Do you think Sean Hannity would help? Do you think China would erase some debt if we signed a treaty to protect them? How would Japan react? Wow, this is gettin' complicated.

I digress. What we're really talking about here is which does the middle class want, the tragic or happy ending? I know it's a constant struggle but there should be more times of peace and caring for your fellow man. I guess that's not gonna happen. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of living in a constant state of war and wondering how many more young people have to die. The rich don't care, they have enough money to get them through anything including getting their kids out of harms way.

One final note before the election.  This is one of those crossroads in American history. Considering there is only two (only two) political parties and one wants to do so many things to kill the progress we've made, it only makes sense to vote for the other even if you don't like them. It needs to be put to the politicians. If we elect the Democrats for another try then view this as a wake-up call for America. If not, you'll be staring down the barrel of the R word and it won't be pretty. As a matter of fact, it'll be downright scary! Happy Halloween.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Few Weeks Before the Mid-Term Elections of 2010

Two weeks before the mid-term elections and OMG it looks like the crazies (as if it weren’t crazy enough) are about to take over DC. It seems the public has had enough of the way congress is treating them. The general consensus is to throw the baby out with the bath water. Put anybody, even if they don’t make any real sense in that congressional seat because the corrupt bastard now there is worthless and/or too corrupt.

The mainstream news media is making all this out to be Obama’s fault.  It’s NOT his fault! He was handed a pile of crap, like eight years worth of crap. Including a broken economy a couple of foreign wars and God knows what else from the previous administration. The media says that the public has a selective and short memory. I say they make it that way. Before you FOX viewers go ballistic keep in mind that your favorite supposed news network doesn’t give the President not one inch of support on anything. Even for the good things he has done. That is what is happening and the other networks are piling on. Partisanship in this country has gone completely off the deep end.  That said let’s elect the craziest bastards we can find out there.  Oh, I don’t know, how ‘bout a couple of Senate candidates who are way out there.

There’s Christine O’Donnell a candidate from Delaware who seems as whacky as they can get but who is trying to act normal so she can get elected (I’m You). Dismissed by her own party and Karl Rove (which says something about her right there) she probably doesn’t have a real chance in predominately (north of the canal and highly populated) Democratic Delaware.  Then there is Alaska’s Joe Miller, an attorney and self-described "constitutional conservative" (his constitutional conservatism is much like Glenn Beck’s with a make it up as you go attitude) backed by Sarah Palin and the Tea Party Express, who defeated incumbent Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski in the primary. These are only a couple of a list that if all elected would set our country on its collective political ear.

Oh, and let’s not forget Carl Paladino, whose anti-gay remarks will probably ring in his ears for the rest of his life. That’s what he gets for reading cold (or near cold) copy without any revisions. What the hell was he thinking? He didn’t need that Jewish vote anyway. Way to go, Carl.

If you think that our congress is not getting anything done now, wait until these wing-nuts are elected to office.  What they’ll do is make our already partisan congress even more so. Looking for their own brand of laws shaped to the way they interpret the constitution or laws already written and passed. Just what we don’t need is finally passing the “flag burning bill”. 

What makes me really crazy are these Tea-Party people who think (I use that term loosely) that their way of looking at our government is the best of the conservative way. Let me paraphrase here “every man for him-self!” That was/has been the Republican mantra for years. Now it’s split between the Republicans and Tea-Partiers. Add to that the Tea-Partiers angst for taxes (how would we get those super highways built?) and it makes you wonder how incredibility insane (more like non-logical) these folks really are.  Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition was a popular song in the ‘40’s. It shouldn’t even fit today.  But strangely enough it does. We’ve become the society that Eisenhower feared in the 50’s. The military industrial complex has taken over the economy and doesn’t want to let go. If they do then so does big oil. So they send X number of lobbyists to DC loaded with cash and bennies and corrupt each and every congressional representative they can come in contact with. 

What we do need is clear and professional thinking on how to cure the problems facing our country. Something that hasn’t been done in over 20 years. Think of what could be done. Real change could happen, you know, the kind you voted for in 2008.

This is my real disappointment with President Obama. Too much talk, not enough action. I believe he tried to take on too much at once. Instead of focusing on getting the economy fixed he decides he wants to take on everything. I applaud his tenacity but way too much was screwed up before he even took office.
Also, he hasn’t been tough enough on the opposing party. He should use his position as leader of the Democratic Party to step on them as hard as he can. The reason he can’t is because the help he would need from congress wouldn’t be available because of a lot of Democrats there are right-winged.  What really needs to happen is that he needs to introduce legislation to re institute the fairness doctrine (that’s if the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive war applies, as well. A doctrine is a doctrine, ya know). With the fairness doctrine in place those 24 hour news channels (all of them including FOX) would have to report news instead of opinion.  If it was opinion they gave they would have to give equal time to the other side. Doesn’t that smell sweet? Why we just might get some of the right people in office.  

Let’s call it like it is. What we all want is the America we had in the 40’s and 50’s. Slightly naïve and just patriotic enough to elect people who wanted to do the people’s business instead of constant campaigning.